In this unit, student artists draw and color their dream house. They build a structure & draw it using observation skills, adding details, and finishing with colors that help to describe it’s environment.

Scope & Sequence:


Lesson 1: In this lesson, artists are introduced to the importance of looking and pay close attention to the nuances of the things that they are drawing. They do this through ‘Blind Contour Drawing’, where they draw without looking at the paper, as well as ‘Blind Bag’ drawing were they draw what they feel rather than what they see. he basic shape of their dream house using paper cups

Lesson 2: In this lesson, student artists build their ‘dream house’ out of blocks, then draw it from observation building on the skills they learned during their ‘blind contour’ lesson.

Lesson 3: In this lesson, student artists imagine what their dream house would look like, then add details to their observation drawing from the previous lesson to turn it into the abode of their choice.

Lesson 4: In this lesson, student artists color their dream homes using oil pastels. They are introduced to and encouraged to use warm and cool colors to describe the environment that their house is in.

Lesson 5: Allow a fifth day entirely for finishing and refining work. 

Lesson 6: Optional. a final day for finishing.

(you can preview the first lesson in a project without enrolling by clicking on ‘lesson 1’ above).


The above will take you to a supply list that assumes a class size of 30. Adjust according to your needs. 

Books & Media:

– N/A

Art Elements: 

Line, Shape/Form, Color


Art Principles: 

Proportion/Scale, Balance


National Core Visual Art Standards:



Mathematics (measuring and shapes), Social Studies (looking at different architectural examples), Geography (architectural examples from different countries)


Common Core Standards: 

L.1.5c, L.2.5a, SL.1.1a, SL.2.1a, SL.1.1b, SL.1.1c, SL.2.1c, W.1.8, W.2.8, 1.MD.1, 2.MD.9



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