Art Teachers
Our projects:

Our projects are intentionally flexible; we supply a comprehensive compendium of instructional materials that you can pull from, adapt, and make your own.

Our projects offer helpful pathways for strong classroom management through video content and choice-based lessons.

Our projects encourage student’s creativity to develop and flourish in individually unique ways, rather than step-by-step projects.

- Focuses on ideas and connects to cross-content topics in creative and engaging ways.
- Includes prompts for dynamic discussions and reflections.
- Always connects to diverse and contemporary artists and artworks.
- Is rooted in student-choice, allowing room for students to share their personal stories, and connect authentically to the idea or prompt.
- Is available to access for free or low cost.
*Nationwide, the average elementary art teacher sees 460 students a year, with the majority receiving 30-45 minutes of prep a day.
We know that it is nearly impossible to thoughtfully plan a curriculum in the time allotted by most schools, which is why we support art teachers with access to high-quality instructional materials that they can easily adapt to fit their needs and teaching style.As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.

of art teachers polled said that Doodles was easy to customize to their specific needs, and strongly agreed that it helped their students create their own unique art.
It can be difficult to find the time, or resources, to build a strong, engaging, art program, but we are here to help.

✔️ Our projects are steeped in cross-content materials, offering opportunities to connect with classroom teachers and raise awareness around your art program.
✔️ Our projects often include video content, effectively giving you a co-teacher as instructions are given. Student absent, or pulled from your classroom to make-up work? Videos allow them to easily get caught up without taking your time away from the rest of the class.
✔️ Our projects are all available for free, or at a low cost, eliminating any barriers to access them. Additionally, the Outside the Lines subscription series offers flexible material choices for budget-strapped teachers.

How to Use Doodles:

Search our Project library, using advanced search options, and download any project that interests you (for free!).

Subscribe to Outside the Lines, which sends fresh, relevant, art content 8x per year to your inbox.

Use all the time you saved to connect with your students and watch their creativity, and your relationship, thrive.