In this unit, student artists create a landscape of somewhere they have always wanted to see and visit. They then learn about how color can change the ‘mood’ of a painting, and they use the sky and weather to establish that mood in their painting.


1st Grade

Scope & Sequence:

Lesson 1: In this lesson, student artists begin brainstorming things they would love to see or experience someday. They create a book that holds a visual ‘bucket list’ of collaged images from magazines. 

Lesson 2: In this lesson, student artists reference their ‘bucket list’ and create a landscape of a place (real or fictional) that they would want to visit. They can include details from their bucket list, or fictionalize it. 

Lesson 3: In this lesson, student artists first experiment with color mixing, then they learn about mood in painting and how to create it using brushstrokes and color. They then paint their sky to determine the mood of their artwork. 

Lesson 4: In this lesson, student artists will finish their artwork using either tints or shades depending on the mood that they decided on last lesson.

Lesson 5: Allow a fifth day entirely for finishing and refining work. 

Lesson 6: Optional. a final day for finishing.

(you can preview the first lesson in a project without enrolling by clicking on ‘lesson 1’ above).


The above will take you to a supply list that assumes a class size of 30. Adjust according to your needs. 

Books & Media:


Art Elements: 

Color, value, space


Art Principles: 

Balance, unity, emphasis


National Core Visual Art Standards: VA:Cr2.1.1a, VA:Cr2.1.2a, VA:Cr3.1.2, VA:Re.7.1.2a, VA:Re8.1.2a:



Language Arts (could study traveling narratives, or stories that take place in other countries or environments, Geography (could look at different geographical regions and what types of environments they have.)


Common Core Standards: 

W.1.8, W.2.8, SL.1.1a, SL.2.1a, SL.1.1b, SL.2.1b, SL.1.1c, SL.2.1c SL.1.2, SL.1.3 SL.2.3, SL.1.5



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