
artworks to discuss

video demos

standards aligned

Tiny Still Life
Students build a small sculpture of their choice from recycled materials, then draw it using observation skills on large paper. They finish with paint.

SW use cupcakes to learn the importance of close observation when drawing.

SW create tiny sculptures out of found materials. They will draw these during lesson two.

SW use their sculpture from Lesson 1 as a still life, looking carefully at the details that make it unique as they draw it on oversized paper.

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The full lesson plans include links to video content and discussion images, and is available for free by following the link below.
Alana, 9, “The Outside Adventure”
Inspired by walking her dog. Challenging part of painting was the background. Most proud of making the sculpture.
Ardra, 10, “The Grimace Shake”
Inspired by McDonnald’s Grimace Shake. Most Challenging was color matching the browns. Most proud of the way it turned out with the purple and blue paint at the last minute.
Ziva, 10, “The Awkward Plant”.
Inspired to make the sculpture by mom’s plants. Most challenging part of the painting was doing the pot. Most proud of the leaves.
Lillian, 8, “Susie”
I wanted to make things with eyes and smiles, wanted it to look alive. Most challenging part of the painting was the background. Most proud of the faces.
Itsuki, 9, “Carbridge”.
Inspired by car bridges in New York. Most challenging part of the painting was painting the background. Most proud of the background colors.