The curriculum you use matters. Let us expertly guide you.
Doodles provides a high-quality curriculum that is easy to implement, stimulates authentic student artwork, and is adaptive to teacher styles. The curriculum can either be customized to your schools’ specific needs or can accommodate a pre-existing curriculum.
Lessons include video demos and discussion prompts – minimal prep, maximal impact!
Opportunities for critical thinking are built into every lesson
Standards-aligned content integrates into other subjects
Our newest Curriculum Set centers on grade-level literacy content
Check Us Out!
Schools that use Doodles have access to an online library of excellent lesson plans designed to minimize teacher prep. Our lessons are engaging, culturally relevant, and connected to Common Core and National Visual Arts Standards. Doodles connects art to common curricular themes, supporting deeper engagement in subjects taught in other classrooms. We work hard to ensure our curriculum is affordable and accessible to schools of all shapes and sizes. What’s not to love?
Is your art curriculum:
✔︎ Standards-aligned?
✔︎ Affordable and accessible?
✔︎ Connected to other subjects?
✔︎ Fun for your students?
✔︎ Easy to implement?
Doodles Academy is!
Educators Use Doodles Academy
“Your curriculum is very helpful in engaging students to connect their art to other aspects of school…writing, reading, etc. I have seen the creativity in my students come out in their writing after we have completed an art lesson. We just finished the Superheroes lesson and the students were insistent that we complete the whole story of their hero, not just the backstory. This happened with my class last year as well.”