In this unit, student artists study the work of the artist Jacob Lawrence, learning about how he depicted African Americans in Harlem, showing everyday scenes and moments. They then create a sketchbook, sketch their own neighborhoods, and create a collage using color to highlight the action.


4th Grade

Scope & Sequence:

Lesson 1: In this lesson, student artists create their own sketchbooks, binding them with needle and thread.

Lesson 2: In this lesson, student artists learn about color mixing, including tones and shades, by working on collaborative color pieces. 

Lesson 3: In this lesson, student artists plan out their composition, choose either a warm or a cool color scheme, then collage their background.

Lesson 4: In this lesson, student artists have a second day to finish collaging their background.

Lesson 5: In this lesson, student artists add people, animals, and objects to their piece using collage. They choose what details they want to emphasize and make those focal points using complementary colors

Lesson 6: Optional final day for finishing. 

(you can preview the first lesson in a project without enrolling by clicking on ‘lesson 1’ above).


Art Elements: 

line, shape/form, color


Art Principles: 

proportion/scale, balance, emphasis


National Core Visual Art Standards: VA:Cr1.1.4a, VA:Cr1.1.5a, VA:Cr2.2.4a, VA:Cr2.2.5a, VA:Cr2.3.3a, VA:Cr2.3.5a, VA:Cr3.1.5a, VA:Re.7.1.5a, VA:Re.7.2.3a, VA:Re.7.2.4a, VA:Cn10.1.3a, VA:VA:Cn10.1.4a



Language arts & writing (reading and developing stories)


Common Core Standards: 

RL.3.7, RL.5.7, SL.3.1b, SL.4.1b, SL.5.1b, SL.3.1c, SL.4.1c, SL.5.1c, SL.3.3, SL.3.4, SL.4.4, SL.5.4, SL.4.5, SL.5.5, W.3.2, W.3.2a, W.5.2, W.3.4, W.4.4, W.5.4 



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