In this unit, artists learn about how objects can stand in for feelings and memories. They look at different artists who used metaphor in their portrait work to help describe the personality of their portrait subject. They find different objects that help describe them, learn some basic facial proportions, then incorporate the objects into their portrait to represent their interior interests, thoughts, and feelings.
Scope & Sequence:

Lesson 1: In this lesson, students find pictures of things that represent them metaphorically and trace them onto a piece of tracing paper.
Lesson 2: In this lesson, artists learn about facial proportions and discover that they can create a more accurate portrait by learning and following them. They then create a self-portrait using basic proportions.
Lesson 3: During this lesson, student artists take their objects and their self-portraits and combine them to create a portrait that represents them both inside and out.
Lesson 4: During this lesson, students learn how to hold and use their colored pencils to get different effects, as well as how to use color to make their piece more dynamic to look at.
Lesson 5: Allow a fifth day entirely for finishing and refining work.
Lesson 6: Optional. A final day for finishing.
(you can preview the first lesson in a project without enrolling by clicking on ‘lesson 1’ above).
Books & Media:
Lesson 1: A large selection and variety of books w/pictures for students to look through and trace—look for books that address your student’s interests (machinery, animals, cooking, etc.). These can be borrowed from the library or borrowed from classroom teachers.
Line, shape/form, color, texture
Art Principles:
Proportion/scale, emphasis
National Core Visual Art Standards:
VA:Cr1.1.5a, VA:Cr1.1.3a, VA:Cr2.1.3a, VA:Cr2.1.4a, VA:Cr2.1.5a, VA:Cr3.1.3a, VA:Cr3.1.5a, VA:Re.7.1.5a, VA:Re.7.1.6a, VA:Re.7.2.4a, VA:Re.7.2.3a
Mathematics (proportions/symmetry), Social Studies (studying Frida Kahlo), Counseling (analyzing self)
Common Core Standards:
RL.3.4, RL.5.4, RL.3.7, L.3.5, L.3.5a, L.4.5, L.5.5a, SL.4.1b, SL.5.1b, SL.4.1c, SL.5.1c, SL.3.3, W.4.2, 4.G.3
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