Issue 9: Frame of Reference


Issue 9 of ‘Outside the Lines’, a virtual magazine supporting teachers in developing a high-quality, diverse, authentic, and integrated curriculum.

At Doodles Academy, we believe that access to high-quality art education should be available to all — regardless of financial means. Outside the Lines operates on a pay-what-you-want subscription model, but we rely on the support and generosity of those who are able to pay in order to continue offering our free to low-cost resources to everyone. Please know that your contribution will help us reach more people and make a greater impact.


What does it mean to be a ‘Historical Fact’?

Throughout this unit, students will learn that fact, including historical facts, are part of truths. But, facts are malleable by context; thus, facts from the same truth can result in different narratives depending on presentation.

Throughout this unit, the student’s locale (teacher’s choice of the classroom, school, city/town, state, or alternate place-based community) acts as a central, personal, point to research, explore, and develop a fuller and more nuanced understanding of how perspective affects history.

Each issue includes:

  •  4 segments, designed to support learning around questions pertinent to our time.
  • Contents which include:
    • connections directly linked to ELA, Social Studies, or History.
    • artwork and artist examples
    • an art prompt or challenge
  • Flexible material options

& Downloadable Teaching Supports:

  • A copy of the publication in PDF form to easily print student handouts.
  • Spanish translations of student handouts

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