In this unit, student artists create a magical setting that could host fairy tales. They begin by playing a game that helps them to identify magical elements and settings. They then move on to learning about and painting sections of a magical land that are eventually collaged together to form the foreground, midground, and background of their enchanted land. Finally, they use painting and collage to add magical elements to their piece.

Scope & Sequence:


Lesson 1: In this lesson, student artists learn about the history of fairy tales, then work in groups to brainstorm settings, characters, and magical elements that could be used in fairy tales. They finish by playing a ‘roll-a-fairy tale’ game with the brainstormed elements that they created.

Lesson 2: In this lesson, students learn about ‘background’, ‘middleground’, and ‘foreground’ and examine how landscape artists use it to establish space. They begin creating their own enchanted land by designing, painting, and cutting three layers to represent their enchanted land’s background, midground, and foreground.

Lesson 3: In this lesson, students continue working on designing, painting, and cutting three layers to represent their enchanted land’s background, midground, and foreground.

Lesson 4: Student artists focus on magical elements. They glue their setting together & begin prepping magical elements to include. They will have two days to complete this step.

Lesson 5: Allow a fifth day entirely for finishing and refining work.

Lesson 6: Optional. a final day for finishing.

(you can preview the first lesson in a project without enrolling by clicking on ‘lesson 1’ above).

The above will take you to a supply list that assumes a class size of 30. Adjust according to your needs. 

Books & Media:
A selection of Fairy Tales, such as ‘Sleeping Beauty’, ‘Rumpelstiltskin’, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, ‘Rapunzel’, ‘The Frog Prince’, & ‘Hansel and Gretel’ (book form, or downloaded and printed off of UnboundEd:

Art Elements: 

shape/form, texture, space/perspective


Art Principles: 



National Core Visual Art Standards: 

VA:Cr1.1.3a, VA:Cr1.1.4a, VA:Cr1.1.5a, VA:Cr3.1.3a, VA:Cr3.1.5a, VA:Re.7.1.3a, VA:Re.7.1.5a, VA:Re.7.2.3a, VA:Re.7.2.4a



Language Arts (connect to UnBound Ed Fairy Tale Unit Directly, or any unit on Fairy Tales), Dramatics (performing stories or fairy tales), Social Studies (history of Fairy Tales or stories passed down)


Common Core Standards: 

RL.3.1, RL.4.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3, RL.4.3, RL.5.3, RL.4.9, RL.5.9, SL.3.1b, SL.4.1b, SL.5.1b, SL.3.1c, SL.4.1c, SL.5.1c, SL.3.2, SL.3.4, SL.4.5, SL.5.5, SL.3.6, W.4.1d, W.5.1d, W.3.2d, W.3.3, W.4.3, W.5.3



*suggestion: have bins for each table or section that contain the materials and simply add the new materials needed for each lesson. Assign a student artist the job of passing materials out after the ‘CFU’ part of the lesson. Baby wipes are handy to clean hands. White glue is best, and if you can, allow kids to brush it on as that will allow it to lie the flattest.


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