Teaching Through Art

A blog supporting high-quality art instruction.
Our posts focus on projects and pedagogy that:
1. are integrated with other subject areas
2. focus on diversity & inclusion
3. offer students choice & autonomy.
Choosing Our Words Wisely: Art Education and the Power of Language
This post advocates for a paradigm shift in art education, emphasizing the power of language and the pivotal role of ESSA, the Every Student Succeeds Act, in redefining art as an essential component within a comprehensive and inclusive educational framework.
By Courtney E. Dentel
Ink, Press, Inspire: An Educator’s Guide to Relief Printmaking in Grades K-12
Embarking on the adventure of printmaking in the classroom, four seasoned teachers share their stories, offering a detailed roadmap for educators looking to introduce this engaging medium to students of various ages. Their contributions provide a wealth of knowledge on managing printmaking projects, from the exploratory messes of Pre-K to the sophisticated creations of high school students.
Mindfulness in the Classroom
How can we weave in mindfulness to best benefit our students?
A Practical Guide to Earth Art at School
I love interweaving art and natural materials, especially when I can get kids outside to explore an interdisciplinary lesson with science and art. Earth Art, for example, provides the perfect platform to meld the two.
By Eleva Potter
Connecting Art Lessons With Student’s Experiences and Stories
Most of the artists I know work from their own experiences. How can teachers connect their art lessons to the experiences and stories their students bring with them into their classrooms?
by Mark LaRiviere, Children’s Arts Guild
Creative Ambiguity
In learning, ambiguity is where the thinking, learning, & creativity, takes place.
By Dana Squires
Empathy Through Art Education: A Pilot Investigation
A recent pilot investigation shows promising insights into the relationship between art education and empathy development.
By Emily Hardy, LCAT, ATR-BC
Empowering Students through Heroism
Learn about the Heroic Imagination Project (HIP), how to use the heroic journey in your classroom, and access a free project planner.
By Zoë Huml
2022 From the HeART Contest Winners
Return to blog homepage.Introducing the 2021 'Create from the HeART' contest winners. Three exceptional student artists share a bit about their life and work. Meet 5th grade Ella, from Washington. Where do you live, and what is your favorite part about living there? I...
The Circle Project
Students appreciate how belonging to groups and communities enriches their personal identity and illuminate how they fit into these different ‘circles’.
By Kas Patsula