Teaching Through Art

A blog supporting high-quality art instruction.

Our posts focus on projects and pedagogy that:

1. are integrated with other subject areas

2. focus on diversity & inclusion

3. offer students choice & autonomy.

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Women’s Art History is Art History

Women’s Art History is Art History

“In 2022, educators make an effort to share the work of women artists and artists of color. But the *how* matters, especially when teaching young children, as their initial understanding of who makes art can serve to shape their ideas about it—and whether they will count themselves among the group calling themselves artists.”
By Hall W. Rockefeller

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Using Artwork to Teach Reading Comprehension Skills: Why It Works, How It Works

Using Artwork to Teach Reading Comprehension Skills: Why It Works, How It Works

“Did you know that viewing artworks is a wonderful and an efficient way to teach numerous reading comprehension skills? It doesn’t have to be a long viewing session. In as little as ten quick minutes, you can begin to help your students to learn to identify key details, synthesize those details into meaning, make inferences, think about themes or big ideas and make meaningful text-to connections.”

by Trevor A. Bryan

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