Around the Neighborhood Project Landing Page

Around the Neighborhood Project Landing Page

free to stream artworks to discuss video demos connects to History standards aligned Around the Neighborhood Students learn about Jacob Lawrence and the Harlem Renaissance. They make a collage that depicts their own neighborhood, with a focus on color. LESSON 1 In...
Dream House Project Landing Page

Dream House Project Landing Page

free to stream artworks to discuss video demos standards aligned Dream House Students build their ‘dream house’ then draw it using observation drawing. LESSON 1 In this lesson, artists begin the process of designing their ‘dream house’. They start out by building the...
Superheroes Project Landing Page

Superheroes Project Landing Page

free to stream artworks to discuss video demos connects to writing standards aligned Superheroes Students learn to recognize shapes and types of lines as they design and draw their own superheroes. LESSON 1 SW create their superheroes’ backstory   LESSON 2 SW draw...
Close Encounters Project Landing Page

Close Encounters Project Landing Page

free to stream artworks to discuss video demos standards aligned Close Encounters Students study the woman artist ‘Georgia O’Keeffe’. They bring in objects that are special to them and draw them, closely considering their own compositions as they work.  LESSON 1 SW...
Enchanted Lands Project Landing Page

Enchanted Lands Project Landing Page

free to stream artworks to discuss video demos connects to ELA standards aligned Enchanted Lands Students learn about compositional elements as they create a magical setting that could host fairy tales.  LESSON 1 SW learn about the history of fairy tales LESSON 2 SW...

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