by Tempest NeuCollins | Jan 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
Fashion & Culture Essential Question: How does clothing represent aspects of self and culture? artworks to discuss connects to History, Social Studies Connects to Social Justice Standards connects to National Core Art Standards flexible materials and delivery...
by Tempest NeuCollins | Jul 22, 2021 | Uncategorized
A Place in Space Essential Question: What is our relationship with the buildings and the spaces that surround us? artworks to discuss connects to ELA, Social Studies Connects to Social Justice Standards connects to National Core Art Standards flexible materials and...
by Tempest NeuCollins | Jul 13, 2021 | Uncategorized
free to stream artworks to discuss video demos connects to writing standards aligned Superheroes Students learn to recognize shapes and types of lines as they design and draw their own superheroes. LESSON 1 SW create their superheroes’ backstory LESSON 2 SW draw...
by Tempest NeuCollins | Jul 13, 2021 | Uncategorized
free to stream artworks to discuss video demos connects to ELA standards aligned Rainforest Creature Marionettes Students learn about animal defense mechanisms and invent an animal ideally suited to live in the rainforest. They create a marionette puppet of their...
by Tempest NeuCollins | Jul 12, 2021 | Uncategorized
free to stream artworks to discuss video demos connects to ELA & writing standards aligned Designing the Zodiac Students learn about constellations across many different cultures and create their own constellation and write their own origin story. LESSON 1 SW...